The New Republic
The Politics of Everything
Behind the Shoplifting Panic

Behind the Shoplifting Panic

Retailers are locking up merchandise and closing stores nationwide, citing an explosion in organized theft. Could their losses be attributable to more than just shoplifting?

On any given day, it’s easy to find a new video on the internet or social media purporting to show a violent retail theft. Such videos make riveting viewing, and—coupled with reports from chain retailers about a plague of theft affecting their bottom lines—might suggest we’re in a golden age of shoplifting. The reality, however, is likely much more complex. On episode 73 of The Politics of Everything, co-hosts Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene chat with New York magazine staff writer James D. Walsh about how organized retail theft has evolved over the past decade, and with Amanda Mull, staff writer at The Atlantic, about the puzzling lack of data about theft and what other factors could be contributing to the perception of a great shoplifting surge.

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The New Republic
The Politics of Everything
Produced by The New Republic and hosted by literary editor Laura Marsh and writer Alex Pareene, The Politics of Everything is a podcast about the intersection of culture, politics, and media.